Said Azizi

My name is Said Azizi and I have been training with Eye of the Eagle Martial Arts under Sifu Bill for the past 12 years. Before I began my martial arts journey I was a shy person with low confidence and self-esteem. The training was intense and really challenged my attitude on life. The training helped me to get fit, increase confidence and self-esteem. I now have the confidence to instruct classes independently and perform in-front of hundreds of people at demonstrations. I have performed at many events including the Royal Easter Show, Chinese New Year festivals, Thailand Lunar festivals, Mind Body Spirit Festivals in Sydney and Melbourne and various charity events. I have performed in many different styles including Tae-Kwon-Do, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Weaponry, Tai Chi, fight scenes and breaking boards and roof tiles.

The confidence and motivation gained through training allowed me to complete my Diploma of Bowen Therapy and establish a successful business. It also enhanced my ability to effectively communicate with others and establish personal and professional relationships.

Through consistent hard work, commitment and dedication I have recently earned my Black Belt (first dan). Achieving this goal has taught me that hard work and commitment will bring success to anything that you strive to accomplish. I will forever be thankful for all the lessons attained through my journey under the guidance of Sifu Bill. He has given me the knowledge and skills to overcome all obstacles in life. I will continue to endeavour to move forward and succeed in all aspects of life and martial arts with the guidance of Eye of the Eagle Martial Arts.